hey guys... is this me... we're studying personality in AP Psychology... this would be the infamous enneagram test! again... do you think this is me?
 take free enneagram test
Point Three, the Performer, is the child who lost hope that the Universe will provide and discovered that love, recognition, value and acceptance came to those who could achieve, who could "do" and who could accomplish. Performance, however, also must be matched with an image of success. The Three is the core point of the "heart, or feeling, traid";. The passion is deceit and the corresponding fixation is vanity. Key issues for the Three include, but are not limited to the following:
Deceit: The deceit is of one's self through the unconscious adptation to, and an identification with, a role that is deemed by the Three to be the epitome of success in a given situation.
Image: Looking good is important. Image fits the context of a situation. The Three alters to fit the situation and may appear slippery and deceptive through image.
Approval: The Three primarily wants others to respect the Three's ability to get things done. But the three also is keenly aware of the approving or disapproving demeanor of the other in almost any situation.
Doing: The Three looks for what to do. Attention goes to doing for approval from others. The Three is doing rather than being, and doing to fill time. The Three can accomplish a lot in a short time and often expects non-stop performance for self
Tasks: The focus is on tasks, getting things done, accomplishment. The Three takes charge to move things along. This orientation to tasks and getting things done also applies to leisure time, and the Three learns to control through tasks.
Success: One must succeed, almost at all costs. There is no reward for not winning. Goals, and the accomplishment thereof, is what is important. Achievements and the resulting earned rewards including both material and status is what is valued.
Efficient: Cuts corners to accomplish goals, without sacrificing doing a task well. The three becomes hostile and displays anger at inefficiency or obstacles to tasks. The anger comes up with the task or goal when there is interferernce with the goal.
Competitive: Emphasis can be upon competing and winning. "No one remembers who comes in second." The competitive posture induces pressure and impatience.
Feelings: There is inattention to feelings. The Three often is too busy to deal with feelings and sets feelings aside. Feelings "aren't there"; can be set aside. Sticking with feelings is hard work.
Marketing Orientation: There often is a marketing orientation in the languaging of the three that can be recognized through references to self, to accomplishments, to success, to performance to image to name dropping. |