Friday, April 25, 2003

1. What was the last TV show you watched? California Dreams... ah the memories .::surf dudes w/ attitudes... kinda groovy... laid-back mood... sky above... sand below... good vibrations... feelin' mellow... won't give it up... don't wanna stop... don't wake me up... don't wake me up if i'm dreamin'... California dreams... just let me lay here in the sun... until my dream is done::. man i loved that show back in the day... ah the memories... bummer that i've gotta go back to school now and miss that 2:30 WB time slot... oh well... summer will be comin soon... but hopefully i'll be doing something other than sticking around the house for the show to come on... eek!

2. What was the last thing you complained about? hahaha... better yet... when was the last time i wasn't complaining about something? lol... but to answer the first question... hmmmmmmm... i think it was over the TV... i wanted to watch Passions (ahhhhhhhhhh... i've been deprived from my soaps) and rachel wanted to watch Helen of Troy which I've already seen parts of... and will be running the whole weekend!

3. Who was the last person you complimented and what did you say? god these are hard questions... hmmmmmmm... eek... i'll brb... (10 minutes later...) wait no... (2 minutes later...) Jamie... this morning when she was working on her "zine"... i said the font was really cute... (ya ok... so i'm shallow... sue me!)

4. What was the last thing you threw away?phew... this is easy... random slips of paper and stuff from my binders and drawers...

5. What was the last website (besides this one) that you visited? tanya's blog! "hi" tanya!!!!
posted by Rita at 4:24 PM -
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Name: Rita Jo Rose Cruz Encarnacion

Home: Concord, CA

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