What's going on up in there...
+ I actually like school, believe it or not. (I think this sets off some kind of nerd alarm with people sometimes.) Hmm... You either go to univerisity because you were forced to, you have no choice in this case; you were going to study what you loved no matter the consequences; you are going to study something practical and get that job that your parents have predestined for you or something that you have chosen for yourself; or you just didn`t know what else to do for the next four years. For me going to university was a mixture of all that (not all equal parts of course). I`m actually excited about starting at a new school this August. Yep, its like kindergarten only with big kids. Remember, sharing is caring. (Catholic school will do that to you.)
THIS CRACKS ME UP!!! get it.. cracks... hahahahahahhaha...
+ Something to ponder:
Watch your thoughts. It becomes words.
Watch your words. It becomes actions.
Watch your actions. It becomes habits.
Watch your habits. It becomes your character.
Watch your character. It determines your destiny.
+ Must see...
+ Man, all I want is a massage. |