What is this?? CHEER FOR RITA DAY?? did i miss something! lol....
i'm highly amused right now despite the symptoms that accompany illness and the major brain-crampage that accompanies midterms! aye-yi-yi... i need a break. i've been at it since noon!
case 1: so in chem today... we had a chem quiz (no kidding... lol) and i got it right! yay for me! and phil (who is sitting next to me, just as confused as i am) busts out with "who's got the beat"... for all you chs/dls-ers that MUST sound familiar... seeing as how the cheerleaders did that cheer like 100 times a game at the request of the crowd. damn the crowd! i hate that cheer... it is the single most annoying cheer ever created for the amusement of sports spectators! surely there is something more creative than slapping, clapping, and snapping... sheesh. anyways.. he was like
"who's got the beat. rita's got the beat. and it goes... (slapping, clapping, and snapping)"
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... oh phil. hehe. but it does feel good to have him (the b-ball boy) cheering for me (the cheerleader chick) for once. oh, how nicely the tables have turned...
case 2: rick IMs me while I'm studying...
"EricDraven189: go rita go! gimme an R! R! Gimme an I! I! Gimme a T! T! Gimme an A! A! What's that spell?! RITA! Who's gonna dominate CAL?! RITA! Good luck with your studying Rita. Even though my cheer was pretty sad to a pro like you, I hope it gave you a smile or a laugh or something and I know you'll do well on chem! :-D bye for now!"
so you see... it must be cheer for rita day.. these things just don't happen everyday!