from steph's xanga... Don't walk too close, don't breathe so soft Don't talk so sweet, don't sing Don't lay oh so near Please, don't let me fall in love with you again Please let me forget all those sweet smiles All of the passion, all of the peace, the heat, the pain All those blue skies where your words were my freedom Please, don't let me fall in love with you again Too many times I've cared too much I stood on the edge and saw that you held my hand And knowing too well I couldn't hide from those eyes Please, don't let me fall in love with you again Don't let me fall in love with you again
- "Don't"- Jewel
let me explain...
had a weird dream last night. it consisted of my berkeley buds and my high school chums. we were all chillin on the chs lawn and then we were kickin it in stern. ok, maybe i don't want to get into all of it, but i'm seeing things reoccuring in my dreams in both settings (maybe it's just that time of year again or time of the month... whatever)
my dreams are kinda... "prophetic"-ish... this isn't heresy or anything, but they have an odd way of becoming realities... or at least parts of them do. i'm not sure what to think or what to believe, if anything at all.
maybe i'll try not to think about it anymore...
:: doot :: do :: do ::
how bout those UC bugdet cuts? man! that's something to get angry over... the governator is in the process of terminating the kick-butt UC system we've got going on over here! BERKELEY pride.. woo!! woo!!
why is it that education keeps getting the shaft? why is it that they always forget about us youngins?? ya know... we're the people who are gonna keep this nation going once ya'll adults step down... hmmmm... what kind of future are you envisioning, dear leaders? oh right... you're not! you're not planning for the future! you think you are... but you really have no idea... what you're really doing is trying to solve the "now" issues... but in doing so, you're taking so much away from things that need to be constant or things that need to grow and need help! you're making our low-ranked state-wide education system even worse... it might not seem that bad if you look at it in the immediate future... but i mean, once you start taking away from it, what's gonna stop you from doing it again? huh? it's a slippery slope, people... so don't take that first step... cuz it's gonna be a long way down... and it's gonna hurt. a lot... it's gonna hurt more people than you realize!
governator made a bad move w/ the cuts in education...
::shakes head in disappointment::
...but there's still time. the budget hasn't been passed. contact your legislators... let them know what you think. be "empowered"... it's the only way to go. |