i'm allllllllll better now! YAY! no more yuckiness... my voice is slowly returning which is good... and i'm not hacking up phlegm anymore... woo hoo!!! school's been quite interesting lately... spirit week's been kinda... well... not spirited... weird this year cuz it's split into 2 weeks... doesn't make much sense to me... whatever... went to the track meet on friday! i never knew joe and conrad and jordan could run like that... IT WAS SOOOOOOO COOL!!! (and i didn't know they had muscles like that either... woah!... you'd never know with all them baggy clothes on and jackets and stuff)... kinda makes me wonder why some people quit track (*ahem* peter *ahem* john *ahem)... maybe they couldn't cut it... oooooooo... but you didn't hear that from me... i'm sure rugby's a cool sport... i did see that FRIENDS episode with the rugby match... very different sport... very british... hehe... duh!
well... i've got cotillion practice tomorrow... it should be fun watching the guys dance... hehe... hopefully this time i won't get a private dance by "you know who"... that was kinda disturbing... fun... but let's keep it g-rated aight (there's lil kids watchin over the fence!)... *sigh* boys... ah boys... forget boys... I NEED A MAN! yes... I DO!!!!! RITA NEEDS SOME LOVIN' TOO!!!!!!!!! |