my week at a glance... a long extended gotta-scroll-down-the-page glance:
monday 10/13: honestly don't remember.. it's been a week, people. how sad... (*edit 45 minutes later*: i called up justin bedecarre and emailed karla anselmo to say happy birthday! the first two kids on our class roster for 9 years... yup! i remembered! did some catching up with justin.. he sounds like he's having a grand time @ cal! he's pledging beta. busy guy... we should do lunch or dinner or something sometime soon.)
tuesday 10/14: on tuesday i woke up at 6:30! yes, 6:30! and i didn't even have class till 12:30!! why, you ask? because I thought I had to do morning flyering evey week. boy was i wrong... stupid stupid! oh well, it was just me w/ my trusty blueberry muffin & milk and the dudes in the sweeper trucks down at the sproul fountain. at least the brisk walk back downhill woke me up early... but those construction guys are really freakin me out. i feel like they're undressing me with their eyes or something... eek!!! gross..
when i got back to stern, it was allllllllll about studying my ass off for the chem midterm. sheesh. math discussion was alright. grigor is possibly the coolest math GSI ever! we really have fun in that class.. we being: me, brian, and david.. in that order. it's become our new seating arrangement.. ever since brian decided to switch it up a few weeks back. s'all good. ooo, and beverly is my friendster now! lol!! isn't friendster wonderful... join! join! be my friend! lol... wow, it's addicting.
after that i decided that some last minute studying and food and rest was in order before the midterm.. so that's what i did. but not in that order. i ate, then slept (napped) then studied... unfortunately, i left my phone off and phil had called to see if i wanted to go grab something to eat with him before the test. darn! missed opportunity to chat it up with one of my favorite berkeley poeple.. oh well... so i took the test. and i felt ok coming out of it... three hours later the grades were posted. quick, i know! didn't do too shabby.. i missed more problems than last time though, which is kinda sad.. cuz you think you'd do better the next time around. no worries.. the extra credit'll even it out and still put me in A range. thank goodness for those extra two questions!
tuesday night was also pretty damn hectic. i went to 4 (count 'em.. 1,2,3,4) hall asses! what a work out! first was ours... then hillside to drop off their michael moore tickets and an invitation for their president, monty... then la loma to deliver more invitations. they were having a slumber party theme. it looked pretty cool, plus they raffle off prizes... nifty, huh? i kinda felt out of place being fully clothed 'n all.. but whatever. i got some free cheesy sticks in the process.. i was a happy gal... and then i met up with shea from bowles and dorie to go to unit 1 freeborn/putnam to solicit $$$ for Bowles Halloween party.. they were having a cross-dressing theme. very interesting apparel... very. interesting. lol. jenn was really cool about us coming this week and even last week... it's good to have connections. they decided to give us $100. they rock! after that we all walked up to stern & bowles. somehow, it didn't seem as bad. it never really seems as bad at night or when you're walking and talking with people on the way up... i wonder why that is. (note: next time i meet up with phil, don't talk on the way up... see if it feels different) maybe the conversation lightens your mood or something, and you're not concentrating on how much the walking sucks, but on the topic at hand (fix note: don't talk on part of the way up.. i like phil convos. plus i wouldn't wanna be a boring escortee)
and later that night, i talked to christina kim (deputy chief of staff) about my morning adventure... alone.
chris J kim1221: did you go today?? CaLxPiNaYx07: yes CaLxPiNaYx07: at least it got me outta bed. chris J kim1221: ahhhhhhhh that sucks! chris J kim1221: was anyone out there? CaLxPiNaYx07: nope. CaLxPiNaYx07: it was just me and dudes in the clean-up trucks chris J kim1221: oh no! chris J kim1221: ahhhhhh that sucks so bad! chris J kim1221: did you call anyone? CaLxPiNaYx07: i didn't have numbers in my cell CaLxPiNaYx07: it's ok. CaLxPiNaYx07: just had breakfast and some quiet time on sproul.. you don't really get that too often chris J kim1221: ahhhhhh thanks for coming though1 chris J kim1221:  CaLxPiNaYx07: it's cool chris J kim1221: you're cool! chris J kim1221:  CaLxPiNaYx07: hehe! CaLxPiNaYx07: i know. chris J kim1221: we should go to eat  CaLxPiNaYx07: HAHAHAHAH!! CaLxPiNaYx07: i'm down. chris J kim1221: ok! i LOVEEE to eat chris J kim1221: just lemme know when you have time and we can go EATEATEAT CaLxPiNaYx07: me too! it's like my 3rd favorite thing to do CaLxPiNaYx07: aight girl. chris J kim1221: next to sleep? CaLxPiNaYx07: yup. and late-night phone convos with good 'ol friends. CaLxPiNaYx07: everything happens late night it seems.. haha! chris J kim1221: ahhh i hate talking on the phone CaLxPiNaYx07: i don't usually talk on the phone. just with my super duper close friends.. that live hundreds of miles away now. chris J kim1221: yeahyeahhh that's when i make the exception CaLxPiNaYx07: exactly CaLxPiNaYx07: i just don't call people randomly.. CaLxPiNaYx07: lol CaLxPiNaYx07: that's weird chris J kim1221: i used to though in junior high chris J kim1221: like everyone would get bored chris J kim1221: so we would page each other in pager codes chris J kim1221: and call ands tuff CaLxPiNaYx07: oh man! pager code! that was like ages ago CaLxPiNaYx07: i never really got the hang of it. chris J kim1221: 4011 010177? chris J kim1221: hahahahaha CaLxPiNaYx07: what? chris J kim1221: ahhh mannn i was pro at pager codes chris J kim1221: you didn't? chris J kim1221: "you didn't" chris J kim1221: that's what i put CaLxPiNaYx07: OMG! CaLxPiNaYx07: i never wouldn't figured that out chris J kim1221: i guess you're not as cool as me chris J kim1221:  chris J kim1221:  CaLxPiNaYx07: i probably would've tried to all night and then come into the office tomorrow screaming at you to tell me, if you hadn't just now. CaLxPiNaYx07:  chris J kim1221: you know what.... chris J kim1221: that sounds like a good idea! CaLxPiNaYx07: what? CaLxPiNaYx07: NO! don't!! chris J kim1221: 50 ... 40111 623 4011 001179 12176? CaLxPiNaYx07: the daily cal will just have one more thing to write about "crazy interns screaming numbers" chris J kim1221: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH chris J kim1221: i bet you they would! chris J kim1221: if you run into the office going "christina!!1 23987239458734592857324989" chris J kim1221: ok i gotta make like tom and cruiseeeeeeeee chris J kim1221: i'll ttyl! CaLxPiNaYx07: aight CaLxPiNaYx07: later girl!
oh man... good times online. oh.. and it only took me like 20 minutes to figure out that she said "so... how are you doing rita?".. lol. duh.
(i personally have nothing against the daily cal. yes, a lot of it is baised AGAINST the ASUC. but hey, you can't win 'em all.. but they should just chill with the bad talk for a lil while. i mean, without eshleman hall, they'd be out of work.)
wednesday 10/15: had classes like I normally do. 9-10 chem 1a / 10-11 math 1a / 12-1 intro to CE... had lunch with jordan and kelsey and two more of her CE friends that i hadn't met before... the dude she was with had such cool hair. if he was a girl, i'd be so jealous... lol. i mean, it was black like mine (i think it was black) but it had loose ringlet-y curls. soooo pretty. i'd want hair like that for a day or so. i bet it's a bitch to handle though. it looked so soft. idk... i just wanted to run my fingers through it. haha, i've got a thing for guy's hair. hahahahahahahaha... anyone want a head massage?? i'm down if you've got good hair. how superficial of me!
later, i went to Eshleman to do some work in the OP.. i love working there! another family. anyway, i wrote myself a lil task/idea list as the new marketing director (external marketing). i thought it was pretty damn good. after that, i compiled more contacts for our mailing lists to the JCs in the Bay Area.. yup yup. representin Cal to the fullest 'round da yay... haha (that one's for you jamie.. the pnay frum da yay) around 5 i got bored... so did christina. so i taught her a dance.. lol. we shut the door to kris' office so he would be "disturbed"... lol. or see us making fools of ourselves dancing in the office. lol. i'm sure he knew though.. i was counting loud enough.. haha. richard showed up a lil later.. we weren't expecting him, but it was a nice surprise. around 5:45 me and richard headed over to Greg's pizza for our weekly community outreach meeting
.... ok. gonna take a break. having dinner with frances & her roomie. i'll be back to finish this thing... see, this is what happens when you procrastinate with your logs... you never have enough time to finish!! lol |