Tuesday, December 09, 2003

ah... the freshman gathering! good times with good people! no, incredible people...
(top l-r) josh . kevin . holly (#2)
diana . rita . holly . vaughn
mark . camille . chris (malixi) . chris (dacumot)
(bottom l-r) wally . nicky . rannel . jaelyn

special thanks to:
+ vaughn for organizing the event and making every moment fun-filled!
+ frances for making me go (but, in the end, not going herself)
+ camille for sticking around for the whole day... 8:30 am to 11:30 pm...
+ jaelyn for her excellent cinematography... material for SENIOR SHOW '06!!!
+ holly being the only other sternie around! yay! sternies!!
+ holly (#2) for making sure that kevin was never lonely...
+ kevin for making sure that holly (#2) was never lonely...
+ nicky for being a trooper and going... (and possibly getting my ill)
+ wally for his endearing story (truly heartfelt and yeah... we're with you man! we feel...)
+ mark for sending out that last email--really touching--and for encouraging me to go as well.
+ josh for dancing w/ me (BLAH!) and "taking care" of me on the way back and the near heart attack!
+ chris (dacumot) for the laughs and the bruise on my right ankle
+ chris (malixi) for a shoulder to sit on... haha! (put me down!)... and the tissues throughout mass
+ rannel for always being an uplifting spirit and a tall one at that... and for always being our bodyguard on the way back home...
posted by Rita at 1:08 AM -
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Name: Rita Jo Rose Cruz Encarnacion

Home: Concord, CA

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