Sense of Relief
You will get a real sense of relief this week, RITA, as Mercury turns direct after being retrograde since mid-December. It has been a frustrating time, as the speed at which you like to make connections, and create major deals out of thin air, has slowed down tremendously. But now it is about to start up again, and the smile will reappear on your face. On Monday, Mars aspects Neptune, which gives you a chance to meet someone who may inspire you to greater things. You may also find yourself in the company of artists and creative types, who will be able to contribute to your stock of ideas. On Wednesday, Venus aspects Pluto in your opposite sign of Sagittarius, and this may introduce a touch of romance into your week. It may start off as being quite platonic and intellectual. But soon the chemistry between you will be obvious, and things will develop quite nicely. There is a Full Moon in Cancer, which may highlight one or two personal financial issues, about which you could become very emotional. Take it easy and don't do anything in a rush. Wait until the end of the week if necessary. Expect good news about a property investment.
yay!! should be a good week!  |