some thoughts:
+ life is good (except for the impending doom--that is, FINALS! HELP!)
+ my cousins are SOO cute and SOO much younger that me! can't wait for cousins camp. july 10, i think?
+ my grandma was SOOOOO beautiful. i really wish i had taken the time to look through things and talk to her while she was still here.
+ MY LOLO WANTS HIS BENEFITS! GIVE THEM TO HIM!! i learned a lot about him this week, too... he's ready to fight. get 'em lolo cardo! i'm so proud.
+ PAA CORE!!!!!! hollah..... i'm vice chair! i can't wait to start working on things and yeah... EEEEEEEEEEEE!! so excited for next year's PAA. i'm gonna be lookin to rhea and mark for lots 'o guidance.
+ PASAE CORE!!!!!!! hollah (again)..... i'm co-publicity/webmaster! yey-uh, with paul torio! never disappointed! wow, so many double core-rs next year... the pil-orgs are gonna be so tight! (tight, as in, awesome and tight, as in, close-knit!) i love it!
+ my vocal talents are... well... diminishing.
+ i need a haircut. how short shall i go?? suggestions...
+ 2 weeks to go... *mixed emotions*
+ oh the love life! *dreamy sigh* my words couldn't do my feelings justice. 05.04.04 1:00 AM ~~~ LOVE YOU, CHRIS!  |