Tuesday, May 06, 2003
"Come closer my love, I'm badly in need of an afternoon's debauchery"

so i just got off the phone with my bestest bud, lauren... ya kno... it's what we girls do. so anyways... we talked about post-physics test thangs... and people... muahahahahhaha... so yeah... BOYS are really "horny" this time of year... idk what's in the water at dls or anything.. but some of them are very ok with talking nasty.. and i'm like. "WOAH.. where the hell'd that come from?" it's really kinda gross... i don't wanna hear that! sex sex sex... SICK! not in a good "SICK" way.. but like a gross "SICK" way... bleh. they must've gotten real comfortable with us after ball i guess... it's weird.

OH YEAH>>> BALL!!! ball was tight... i had a grrrrrrrrreat time. very lacking in drama... phew.. and thank god for that cuz sat. night had some real potential for a huge BLOW UP! luckily.. nothing happened.. anyways.. i'd give senior ball an A.... (lol. grading!) i had so much fun even if i was kinda zombie-like afterwards... good times good times... i think pre-ball was pretty crazy... let's see... hair at noon. make-up at 2. boutenier (spelling?) at 3:30. stuffing food down my face before lauren and the parents arrive at 4:30. jordan arrives at 5. peter arrives at 5:10... HE WAS LATE!!! that was hella funny too... he called that afternoon to figure out the plans... he totally forgot we were meeting at my place at 5... so it was like 4 and he hadn't gotten ready yet! needless to say.. i was freakin out! but it was alllllllllll good... he got there eventually in the VAN! a 1984 brown chrysler van... that's how to ride in style! man... that's a tight van... let's see: the driver's side door has fallen off TWICE. the sliding door only opens from the outside. you can't roll the windows all the way up or all the way down. the horn falls off. the fabric on the roof sags. and the shades lost their fur... wow. but it didn't really matter. it was pretty cool actually. and on the ride home peter was kinda tired and driving less than perfectly.. and lauren and jordan were in the back seat and complaining about his driving. so he said that they could just get out of the van and walk the rest of the way. but then they really couldn't cuz it opens from the outside, so he retracted his statement and said he'd pull over, open the door, then they could get out and walk... lol... i'm highly amused at 2 in the morning.

so back to pre-ball... so we're at my place and and me and lauren have this on-going joke about our "social" titles... but incidentally they worked out perfectly with the dresses we were wearing... i'll put up pictures for ya'll to see later.. but ya... lauren's the "goddess of goodness" while i'm the "queen of corruption" in comparison to her although i'm really a bit of a goody-goody (see.. i accept it.) ... and the boys matched really well too... ah the memories... jordan's vest matched like perfectly.. and peter's tails and hankerchief worked really well... it's interesting... even all cleaned up and dressed up.. the guys don't really look that different.. well jordan does kinda sorta.. but not really peter.. he could be all grungy after a rugby game. or wearing that god-awful blue baseball cap. or a super sharp tuxedo and look relatively the same... why is that? but i'm not saying that he didn't look nice.. cuz he really did... =) everyone did.

so we drove to john's where they had CHALICES of sparkling cider... ahhhh john... his parent's are Jo and Joe... the J Mac's.. cept for his sister... but oh well.. he's got a really nice family... miriam was really cool too... really pretty. oh ya.. and i met peter's parents.. OMG they were SOOOOOOOOOO cute. but i probably shouldn't use "cute" in reference to parents cuz that's kinda disrespectful.. but you get the picture. I LOVE THEIR ACCENTS!!!!!!!!! his mom called me the "birthday girl"... hehe... ya... peter was embarrassed... he got all red.. like REALLY RED! now that was cute!

got in the limo... peter and i. jordan and lauren. john and miriam. sweet ride over... lots of college talk and other stuff... hehe. BRIDGES! awwwwwwww... there were so many limos going into the city... kinda crazy. hahahha... ya... good stuff.

so we got to city hall... IT WAS HELLA COLD! but we got in and wow... it's gorgeous inside... i saw Becca (my kairos bud) and other people... so let's see... quick re-cap: metal detectors. search. check-in. up the BIG STAIRCASE. ice sculpture. just kinda looking out over the 2nd floor. hearing my name but not being able to make out faces. BECKY caught up with roger. down the BIG STAIRCASE. looking for table. boys reuniting. more reuniting. a quick trip to the bathroom=15 minutes. other dining room. back to first dining room. found the others. dinner. drinks. girls bathroom. boys bathroom. ice cream. pictures around the table. roses. "let's keep this hetero..." - john. formal pictures. took off the shoes. dancing. dancing. more dancing. cotillion practice. dancing. drinks. dancing. talking and dancing. 11:50 no more music. RAGE! THEY DIDN'T EVEN PLAY OUR THEME SONG! NOT THE SENIOR SONG! OR THE BALL SONG!!! OMG!!!!!!! got stuff. took pictures. got cd and frame. limo...

man... BALL WAS AWESOME... so was post- ball... eeeeeeeeeeeeee

I LOVE DAVID GRAY MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!! (be mine. be mine.) perfect for the ride home... *dreamy sigh* for sure peter's got stronger hands than lauren does *dreamy sigh*

got back to john's... we were tired. but i think peter was ok with doing stuff.. but ya. we were tired. drove back to my place and ate.. DUH! the boys left. lauren and i took out the bajillion bobby pins in our hair. reminisced over the wonderful evening. sleep.

mmmmmmm... BALL! i can't help but smile... (and that doesn't mean something happened! cuz nothing did! OK! so people need to stop asking!!!!) lol
posted by Rita at 11:45 PM -
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Name: Rita Jo Rose Cruz Encarnacion

Home: Concord, CA

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