Thursday, July 17, 2003
what is love? how do you know if you`re in love? is it when you think about them constantly? when you want to spend every moment with them? when every song reminds you of them? when you want them to be first on your list for everything? when you get that bubbly feeling when you`re near them? when you love everything about them? when you can talk all night and day about them? when you always wonder where they are and what they`re doing? when they are the first person you tell anything to? when you cancel plans for them or schedule your life around them? when you find yourself waiting up for them? when, even in tough times, their smile makes you feel all better? when you find yourself wishing for them every night? gee, i have no clue. all of the above???
posted by Rita at 12:30 AM -
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Name: Rita Jo Rose Cruz Encarnacion

Home: Concord, CA

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