Monday, August 04, 2003
Is honesty truly the best policy? Aren`t there times when its not? The angel on your right would tell you that there`s never a time to lie, but the devil may tell you otherwise. Is with-holding information lying? Asking yourself, well this person never asked me about this chunk of my life so I will pretend like nothing happened OR say nothing `til its brought up. Does honesty always translate into morality?


Effect. When someone says to you, "you have had a great effect upon my life." How are you supposed to take that, most of the time when people say that to me. I want to ask, "prove it." I don`t know why I think up stupid, scientific things like that. I just do. (Always blame your inner scientist, they can`t fight back or at least can`t hit back.) I think that it stems from an innate need to know that people aren`t lying to me. But, for someone to tell you that you have touched their life in some way is fathoms away from what I have always thought of myself. So I say, "thank you." I guess its better to thank someone for making such a statement of grandeur than asking them for proof.


I know that I take a lot for granted. Everything from clean drinking water to having enough to eat. Here I gripe day in and day out about how life can be unfair, or I talk about life`s little trivialities. I`ve been trying to put things into perspective, and I realized that my ability to exercise all five senses (including the 6th somtimes. lol. lauren!) is a gift and that I shouldn`t neglect that. My ability to go from one place to another without being harrassed by men because I am not covered head to toe is another. My ability to express myself without fear of torture or death. My ability to choose who I want to love, instead of having it arranged for me. My ability to choose alone, that is what divides me from someone who has less. That alone really strikes a chord deep within me. I can choose. And other women, men and children cannot.They have no choice because their government mishandles funds and redirects it to their own pockets or to buy weapons. They live in poverty and do not have access to education. They have to sell their bodies to get by, because their virginity and their bodies are commodities. That men, women and children have to work themselves to the bone to earn even a dollar. Though I am only but one small voice, I hope that this motivates you a little to lookaround you and see the world, not the world that is presented by CNN or in the travel magazines. But, to take a hard look at the world around you. It's time to take off those rose-colored glasses, because the world's really not as rosy as you thought it was, huh?

posted by Rita at 1:17 AM -
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Name: Rita Jo Rose Cruz Encarnacion

Home: Concord, CA

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