Wednesday, October 29, 2003

it starts simple: opening all the windows and the curtains (mine included) and letting all the sunshine and heat and HEAT into the room all day long (even though when i leave in the morning, i have my window and curtain closed), and turning off the fan even though it's like 80 something degrees in the room at 9 or 10 PM
then she crosses a line: closing my IM boxes


then it gets annoying: hearing the "blub,blub" water/ocean-sounds on her computer's hibernate mode
then it gets a lil more annoying: not turning off her goddam alarm clock since it goes off every two hours EVERY night! get a simpler sleep pattern, sheesh... I'm the one who wakes up to her alarm, not her... and she leaves the light on, too! a few days ago, it was sooooooo bright in here that i thought i had oversleep or something... NO! IT WAS 3 AM!

...and when i thought i could finally tolerate it all...
she gets annoying: SHUTTING DOWN MY WHOLE COMPUTER because the AIM sounds were bothering her at night (even though i don't shut down hers when her sounds annoy me)


am i being unreasonable with being frustrated w/ my living situation?
posted by Rita at 1:33 PM -
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Name: Rita Jo Rose Cruz Encarnacion

Home: Concord, CA

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