yay!!! two finals down... one to go!
now i can concentrate on the important things... like my blog! JUST KIDDING!!!
anyway... yeah! sunday was kick-ass!!
60 second re-cap! get ready... set... go!
+PCN tryouts
+Noah's Bagels
+hip-hop "i've got that boom, boom"
+jazz? yeah! "he took my hand..." *whip* *attitude* *gran jete* *sike!*
+traditional (all 5 suites into one... we ARE maria clara! *pose*)
+FIRST YEAR Gathering!
+taking a load off in front of a big screen TV! yay... sit down and rest the feet!
+fake snow? hahaha... yes!
+a "cultural" dinner... haha... if you call "chicken joy" cultural
+a romantic dinner for 15 (or 13+2) ... a not-so-romantic evening for 2 unknown couples... sorry strangers, first years comin' through
+fresh air, good food, mini lights, clear sky, full moon, quiet atmosphere...
+personal stories (PROM!)
+downtown... XMAS TREE!!!!!! it's HUGE! go see...
+pictures and more pictures and more pictures!
+BIG BOOTY! haha.. no one got me out... neener, neener, neener!
+Da Brady Bunch: a department store adventure
+more pictures!!! way cute!
+josh's near fatal accident!
+chris rich's near fatal accident (again)
+my bruised ankle! grrrr...
+the question game --> concentration games
+sneeze attack!!!
+what? no donuts???? wah.....
+BIG GROUP HUG! awww... feel the love (and the germs)
+the Den
+La Burrita
+the incident w/ the burrito and the deffective brown paper bag
yeah...here are more pics: