Monday, June 21, 2004! << my new online fascination! wee!

as you can hear, it is what inspired the music you're possibly listening to. feel free to stop it when you want, cuz well, it's only like 60 seconds long and i'd doubt that you'd wanna listen to it more than once. but hey, it's cool if you do, or can, or want to.

haha... i'm babbling. this is not a good sign.

sigh. classic television from my childhood. gotta love it! hehe.... who's the boss. that was a fave. here's another song  i might've put on here. golly jeepers. this is wonderful! tee-hee.  i'm am SO HAPPY! you don't even know... i love these old theme songs. such good messages. so catchy. so memorable!! haha.... maybe i'm placing way too much emphasis on it, but ya know, sometimes... a cool theme song can make or break a show. i mean, take FRIENDS for example. can you imagine it without the rembrandts "i'll be there for you" to start it off? or that music video without the cast rockin out?? ok, maybe you can, but heck, i know that for me, that like after hearing the first line of a random theme song from an old show i can pretty much identify where it came from! and í'm sure that's how it is for a lot of people.

i miss watching television.

so, VH1 is already doing the "I LOVE THE 90'S" series. this is gonna be sooooooooooo tight! i'm definitely tuning in. haha... ok folks. bye bye for now.

posted by Rita at 7:29 PM -
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Name: Rita Jo Rose Cruz Encarnacion

Home: Concord, CA

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