Sunday, June 08, 2003
Rita is

sigh. grad night's over. thus ends my high school career... thinking back over these last four years, idk... high school was great. idk why people bitch n moan about it so much? i loved it... i mean... it's not as if high school was all peachy keen and perfect, but it's those rough times that really make it memorable sometimes.. sometimes those are the things that'll stick out most often. the bad times. but ya kno.. i've gotten through them, whether it be with friends or family or just on my own.. i've triumphed over it... i've grown... i've changed... i've learned about myself in the process. and although i've learned some pretty shitty things about myself, i've got some redeeming values. thank goodness. but even with all the learning.. i'm still really confused. lost, maybe? i mean... i've only really scratched the surface. i'm 18. a good chunk of my life ended two weeks ago. my childhood just flew by... and it's weird cuz i still play those same mind games, and put up the same defenses... not to go into all the psychobabble stuff... but am i regressing? it's a weird thought, i know... but could it be?
posted by Rita at 10:14 PM -
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Name: Rita Jo Rose Cruz Encarnacion

Home: Concord, CA

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