thoughts for today:
+ my feelings for him haven't changed.
+ his feelings for me haven't changed either.
+ it's been a month
+ how long does it take to move on?
+ will i ever?
+ what's gonna happen when we ALL come back home for the holidays? eek!
+ will we all still be tight?
thoughts from last sept: This girl is always the one heart broken! I feel as if guys aren`t attracted to me for some reason or another. I found out today that the guy I`ve been falling for clearly doesn`t have any feelings for me except the feelings of friendship. In fact, he wants to date one of my friends so the whole liking him and still wanting to like him is out the door. =( I guess that I don`t have enough "sufficient attractiveness" for guys to even be interested in me. I would say that I`m just your average girl with your average looks. I`m not a girl to be spending all her time shopping and putting on makeup. Maybe I`ve just been in the same potential dating environment for so long that I just can`t find a guy anymore because they`re either my friends or I know way too much about them that I seriously wouldn`t want to date them.
I`m not searching for a soulmate or anything, but I would like to go on a date once in a while. Just to have those feelings of giddyness and anticipation! I haven`t actually really liked someone in so long. Maybe because my priorities have changed drastically. I use to be boy crazy and such, but now getting into college is all that is on my mind. Maybe when I my life isn`t so hectic with school and work, and my mother who said I couldn`t date until the age of 21 accepts that I`m growing up, then I`ll start dating. Maybe. Yeah right! I`ll probably still be sulking in that "what if" feeling or something equivalent to that...lol...Yeah...I`m that pathetic... |