Spell your first name backwards - Noic An Racn Ezur Cesorojatir (WTF!) Are you a lesbian - No Where do you live - Berkeley from Sunday night to Friday afternoon (maybe Saturday afternoon) and Concord otherwise Wallet - Shades of Blue w/ tropical flowers and palm trees. VENUS GirlTrap brand from Pac-Sun Toothbrush - White and Hot Pink Jewelry worn daily - Mossimo rectangular-face watch and my CHS class ring Blanket - looks like a quilt actually. it's not doing the trick though.. think i might need something fluffier and warmer for winter Coffee cup - Stainless Steel Tumbler Sunglasses - try transistion lenses baby! yup yup. that's two pairs of glasses for the HUGE price of one. lol. Shoes - Adidas cross-trainers. blue payless flipflops. black K-Swiss sneakers for danceworx. Handbag - a black one from Nine West. birthday present. Favorite top - my diagonally striped blue and white tank top w/ the tails that you tie on the side. yup... but i probably won't be able to wear it again till may. oh well... Cd in stereo right now - don't have a stereo or cds.. everything is downloaded onto my trusty computer! Tattoos - None.. but i think i'd like to get one someday.. but not in a highly visible place or a place that will definitely stretch during pregnancy. yuck! we'll see... Piercings - just the ears, but i don't remember actually getting them. i was only 2 months old. i think eyebrow rings on certain guys are extremely sexy though... (oooooo.. is it getting hot in here?) What you are wearing now - Express Jeans, Cal Football shirt (TRUE BLUE baby!), USA Nationals sweatshirt, ankle socks, um... oh yeah. underwear! hahaha... Hair - Black.. but not jet black (that'd be tight) it's just some natural tinting going on from all those harmful hair products necessary for cheerleading. Makeup - i really don't wear make-up at school... no desire to fuss about my face. but if i need t apply CoverGirl powder/foundation, Sephora deep tone powder under cheek bone, NARS "orgasm" blush on cheeks, gold-pink CoverGirl creme eyeshadow on the lids, brown Estee Lauder eyeshadow on the edges and in the crease, off-white Estee Lauder eyeshadow between the lid and the brow, Maybelline black liquid eyeliner, eyelash-curler, Bourjois black mascara, Lancome "Ginger Root Velvet" lipstick, and Estee Lauder "Go Pout" lip glaze... haha. and get this: it only takes me 5 minutes to do all of that... ha! i'm good.
Who or what (was/is/are)
In my head - Damn, i've got a lot of work to do after i finish this entry... Wishing - That I could stay in berkeley on the weekends. After this - I'm gonna eat. again. Talking to - nodoby Eating - nothing... i'm hungry, yo! If you could get away with it and murder anyone, who and for what reason - umm.. i don't think i wanna answer this. someone might google me and get incriminating evidence on my ass one day. Famous and shouldn't be - those two girls on MTV's new show "rich girls".... uh, Tommy Hilfiger's daughter and her friend with the non-existant love life... gimme a break MTV. are you TRYING to make the general population dumber... actually, it gives me a good laugh to see how petty and immature these girls are. haha... Person you wish you could see right now - Lauren! i miss you girl... a month and half... and Becky! i'm sooooo dead bored... FIX IT! and Peter! wth, man? you were in town last weekend.. and still no contact.  Is next to you - Nari.. the previously mentioned roommate. Some of your favorite movies - The Breakfast Club, The Sound of Music, The Princess Bride, Dirty Dancing, Mulan, The Little Mermaid, Lilo & Stitch, Miss Congeniality, Ferris Beuler's Day Off, She's All That Something you're looking forward to in the upcoming month - Thanksgiving! The last thing you ate - New England clam chowder in a bread bowl... mmmmmm... ahhhhhhhh.. warm sensations in my tummy... sooooooooo good!  Something that you are deathly afraid of - Dying alone. i'm cool w/ dying. i just wanna know that i'm loved. Do you like candles - yup! set the mood, baby... lol... Do you like hugs - YES!!! goodness... it's been so long since i've had a hug. someone hug me! Do you like the taste of blood - WTF! no. Do you believe in love - Yes, of course I do. Do you believe in soulmates - It's a nice thought to have someone else in this whole wide world that you're destined for. and hopefully, there's one out there for me. i'm here. just holla... lol. jk jk. i know it doesn't work that way. oh yes, i KNOW it doesn't work that way. it's just that i don't know that i believe in it that strongly. how can there only be one? what if they die? what if you die? then that person has no one! and that's a SAD thought.. Do you believe in love at first sight - again, another nice thought. sight can be deceiving though... i don't think i've ever experience this love at first sight. finding love thus far has been pretty damn tedious... more tedious than it should be. well, maybe that's not true. i know i'm drawn to certain types of people, but getting to that point where any form of commitment is even plausible takes awhile. but hey, love at first sight. that'd be so cool. just feeling that head-over-heels, maddening sensation in your gut... feeling your heart flutter and pound... feeling your mind racing... yup, that'd be really cool to have happen the moment i see HIM! yeah, i'd love to feel that. Do you believe in heaven - Sure do. hope i get there... Do you believe in forgiveness - Duh! What do you want done with your body when you die- I'd want to be buried near family... idk why. i just do i guess... and i'd hope that people would come to the funeral and that they might remember something good even if what they mostly remember are the bad things. just one good thing about me would suffice. Who is your worst enemy - i can't say... sometime i think i'm my own worst enemy.. we all have those kind of days... If you could have any animal for a pet what would it be? - i think dog's are kinda cool... but having a live animal is quite a responsibility... i don't know that i'd have that kind of commitment level for a pet. What's the latest you've ever stayed up - haha.... try an all nighter. that's right. NO SLEEP! Ever been to belgium - nope. Can you eat with chopsticks - yes. yes i can! it took practice though! and it's a good thing i can now, because i'm quite partial to those teriyaki chicken bowls on campus.. and with a 30 minute break between chem lab and math discussion... well.. you gotta eat those suckers fast! What's your favorite coin - Silver Dollar, yo! What are 5 cities you wouldn't mind relocating to - San Francisco, Honolulu, New York, London, Rome What are some of your favorite pig out foods - Iced Oatmeal Mother's Cookies! goldfish crackers! and ice cream... any kind! What's something that you wish people would understand about you - That I can't be your crutch at all times. That I have insecurities. That I don't like all these expectations that people set on me. That i'm guilty of taking on too much sometimes (and that it's ok to stop me if you see me doing something that's not good for me). That i'm trying to grow up and figure out who i am. What's something you wish you could understand better - the male species... you know you wish you could, too!