Tuesday, March 02, 2004

random back-in-the-day pic of today:

my kindergarten graduation day!! tell me that's not the face of a do-it-all kinda girl; future publicist, honoree/awardee, cheerleader, singer, dancer, lobbyist, advocate, volunteer, tutor, mentor, student gov't senator?; future Carondelet High School valedictorian; future Cal bear; future mega #1 civil engineer of the world. JK about the last one! hahhaa...
those were the days...

to my right (your left) is justin. he became a really close buddy come 6th grade when we started competing for grades... i mean... pushing each other to bigger and better things... lol. he's here @ cal, too... unit 2 griffiths.... (yo diana, do you know him?!?!) luckily he's living without that string attached to his glasses. wow... wouldn't that be quite a fashion statement if he wore them like that around campus. hehe...

to my left (your right) sits my "ate #1"... CITO! ramon-cito... hehe. like the big brother i never had. he was my escort @ my cotillion... awww... cotillion... march 2, 2003 was a cotillion practice day.... awwwwww... memories. tear. tear.... AHAHAHHAHAH!! forget them tears... it was alllllllllll good! anyways... i was watching a video from the day that pic was taken. lol. cito was soooo cute! he was like "look. look. it's your dad!! *waves to camera*" awwww... cute! that's all i can say. cute! oh wait... how about... downright adorable!

and kinda behind me with her head turned back to sorta face the camera but not really is another future Cal bear that lives on Leo's floor... hehe! wow. small world, ay?

dang... first impressions << tonight's dinner conversation starter. good shit.

being the "do-it-all" kinda person means that life can be really hectic. and hey, it is! but no worries... just gotta take things one at a time...

will really update once everything has settled. way too much on my plate right now... can't waste. must finish.... strong. so i'll be back to post when i get back to my "peaceful place."

posted by Rita at 10:16 PM -
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Name: Rita Jo Rose Cruz Encarnacion

Home: Concord, CA

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