YAY FOR EVERYTHING! (...except maybe midterms)
grabbed this off tanya's blog! love you "ultimate ate"...
Current Mood: content Current clothes: pants, shirt, sweatshirt, flip-flops Current annoyance: roommate's sleeping (or non-sleeping) patterns Current smell: toothpaste Current thing I ought to be doing: homework Current windows open: xanga! Current desktop picture: a tropical sunset (comparable to my beauty last valentine's day! ) Current favorite band/artist: always & forever, Janet (Miss Jackson, if you're nasty) Current book: restarting The Sun Also Rises Current cd in stereo: Andre 3000-The Love Below Current crush: oy... seeeeeeeeeee-cret. Current favorite celeb: Orlando Bloom!  Current hate: the 15 or so pounds that have attached themselves to my once girly figure
= Do I = Smoke?: NO.. Do drugs?: that's a HELL NO. Have sex?: nope! Give oral sex?: AH! Have a dream that keeps coming back?: yup. weird ones. Remember your first love?: sure do... Still love him/her?: ? Read the newspaper?: daily cal! yeah... sex on tuesday! Believe in miracles?: Yes. Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: of course. Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Yeah. Consider love a mistake?: No way man. Like the taste of alcohol?: not sure. st. agnes parish wine is aight. Have a favorite candy?: TWIX! Believe in astrology?: kinda Believe in magic?: not really. Believe in God?: Yes. Have any pets: nope Go to or plan to go to college: hahahaha... of course! i'm here, aren't i? Have any piercings?: ears Have any tattoos?: Thinking about it Hate yourself: No.. Have an obsession?: Yes. Have a secret crush?: hahaha... we've already been over this! Do they know yet?: nonononononononononononono Have a best friend?: yep! can i have 2? Care about looks?: more so hygiene!
=Love life= First crush: easy. tony binswanger in kindergarten! *sigh* First kiss: peter Single or attached?: single and lovin' it... to an extent. Ever been in love?: yeah Do you believe in love at first sight?: i like the notion. Do you believe in "the one?": yeah... i'm an idealist. Describe your ideal significant other: lemme dedicate a whole entry to this one later.
=Juicy stuff= Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: "no one in their right minds would want me to do that. LOL" - tanya... ditto. Have you ever been intoxicated?: no Favorite place to be kissed?: i like them all equally! tee-hee  Are you a tease?: I've been told that I have been.. but I don't like to think so. Shy to make the first move?: haha YES!
=Word association= Rubber: ducky Green: frances! Wet: rain Peanut: butter Hay: Ya (like the song. hey sounds the same as hay) Cold: achoo! Steamy: me and you. hahahahahahahhahahahaha... jk! Fast: food Freaky: friday!
--APPEARANCE:-- Hair: black, layered, reaches the middle of my back Eyes: brown Height: 5'5.5"
--LAST THING YOU:-- Bought: white cheddar popcorn for contemp Ate: dinner w/ the 1st years! Drank: minute maid orange soda Read: hahaha...duh. my emails! Watched on tv: ummmm................ some comedy on TFC last night @ home in concord
--EITHER / OR:-- club or houseparty: housparty, yeah ! beer or cider: ohh.. yeah cider, man. drinks or shots: shots cats or dogs: cats are smart, but dog's are man's best friend... it's a toss-up. single or taken: single pen or pencil: pen gloves or mittens: gloves food or candy: food cassette or cd: cd coke or pepsi: coke this or that: this
--WHO DO YOU WANT TO:-- kill: *murmers under my breath* get really wasted with: LAUREN & BECKY! hehehe... look like: um, me be like: awww... another totally different entry later on someday avoid: a lot of people. haha.
--LAST PERSON YOU-- talked to: vaughn. yes, us girls are waaaay to smart for you boys hugged: Jaelyn instant messaged: vaughn kissed: ?? (really. i don't know. that's not some mysterious.. "ooo... i'm not gonna tell you cuz i have things to hide" sort of thing)
--WHERE DO YOU-- eat: my dorm or in the DC wish you were: hmmm... i'm cool w/ right here. but if only i had the "right" company. 
--HAVE YOU EVER...-- Dated one of your best friends?: yes Loved somebody so much it makes you cry?: uh huh... Drank alcohol?: SIGH. yes, damnit. every saturday or sunday. but i swear it's just for like maybe 2 or 3 or maybe 5 seconds max, ok... i'm a horrible person. i know. but can i claim religions as an excuse? i think i will! hehehe... duh, people: church! Done drugs?: no. Broken the law?: yeah, if you count speeding... shhhhh... Broken a bone?: no.. just sprained. Played Truth Or Dare?: yeah Kissed someone you didn't know?: never! Been in a fight?: yeah.. just with my sisters and stuff. Come close to dying?: i went under the knife once.. got cut into right by my heart. but it was safe.
--WHAT IS:-- The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: spice world. Your bedroom like?: clean. cozy. clean. Your favorite thing for breakfast? mmmm waffles. Your favorite restaurant?: New Lim's...
--RANDOM QUESTIONS-- What's on your bedside table?: a bunch of flowers in a vase, a lamp, pictures, religious statues, random trinkets What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: um, i don't. What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: Sixteen Candles If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: Lipo What is your biggest fear?: being a poor, unloved, uneducated bum the rest of my life What feature are you most insecure about?: my legs, stomach, my face Do you ever have to beg?: sometimes. Do you have too many love interests?: again, sometimes. but not right now. Crushes?: AGAIN!! enough w/ the crush questions.... Do you know anyone famous?: i met ruffa gutierrez in Las Vegas once Describe your bed: thick ass comforter... kinda rigid. it's a dorm mattress... what do you expect. but at home.... mmmmmmmmmm.... it's so big! i can just sprawl out. yay! Spontaneous or plain?: i'm kinda plain. but i have weird spurts of spontaneity. hehe! love those fly by the seat of their pants kind of guys too... *sigh* Do you know how to play poker?: yeah! woo hoo! What do you carry with you at all times? my dignity! amen, sista... How do you drive?: defensively! it's the only way to drive. What do you miss most about being little?: life seemed oh so simple then... being silly and playing stupid games with kids. Are you happy with your given name?: yes. i'm quite happy w/ all 5 parts How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: one billion dollars What color is your bedroom?: white, brown, black, cream What was the last song you were listening to?: "The Look" - Ryan Tedder... it's soooooooooooo good! yay for acoustics Do you talk a lot?: depends on who i'm around i guess. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: i have my moments of uncertainty like anyone else... and yes, i believe in myself. i know the potential to achieve whatever i want is there... it's just tough to tap into it sometimes, ya? Do you think you're cute?: nah Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? no.. if anything the ones with clever signs amuse me. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: yeah Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends? my friends i guess 'cuz i'm single. but when i did have a bf... i think i balanced it out pretty well.. some awkward moments not knowing what to do or who to be with but we're all buds... so it's all good. thank goodness for that. |