Friday, August 31, 2007
casual fridays
if we've talked today, then you know just how antsy i've been.


despite the heat and the anticipated heat of tonight (i'll explain in a bit... dirty.) i've had a very productive day at work & have been able to check off a lot of things on my to-do list. i also had a very productive lunch: depositing paychecks, getting a mini-makeover, and having a yummy sandwich!

it is 4pm on the friday before labor day. people are leaving the office. people have LEFT the office. but there's still a good number of folks here sweating it out till 5. =) like me.

and at 5, i'm off. driving down 680 to 24 to 980 to 880 and exiting at the oakland coliseum to see... BEYONCE! and Robin Thicke.

oh man... my first concert. weeeeee! and getting VIP status thanks to Wild 94.9 and Samsung.
it is a damn good thing i didn't buy these tickets in July. i was so excited when they called! oh man, like x100 more excited than ludacris' CD launch party last august that i didn't end up going to b/c of cheer practice.

i am too excited! and this excitement must last me through the last 48 minutes of work, through the traffic, and through parking. it will last. =) it will probably last through the concert, during the drive to berkeley, and at what's left of LPG by the time Chris and I get there, to Strawberry mountain w/ my favorite PASAE alums, to dreamland.

casual fridays. gotta love 'em.
posted by Rita at 4:11 PM - 0 comments
Thursday, August 30, 2007
yay! my company's server doesn't block my blog.

but maybe they will now.

so, i've been here at Kiewit for almost a month. and i've only discovered this now. lol. guess i'll be blogging a little more often.

for now, it's back to the grindstone. peace.
posted by Rita at 9:41 AM - 0 comments
About Me

Name: Rita Jo Rose Cruz Encarnacion

Home: Concord, CA

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