Wednesday, June 27, 2007
summer ends on august 6th
I'll be starting at the Concord District Office of Kiewit Pacific Company. That's all the info I have for now... looking forward to it.

But not looking forward to the end of my summer vacation.

things to do:
  • finish books
  • visit folks in berkeley a few more times
  • SF daytrip
  • ruby tuesday's in woodland
  • a county fair
  • work out (continually)
  • finish redecorating my room
  • meet up w/ high school friends
  • buy a car (hybrid maybe? fingers crossed!)
  • banatao reunion
  • pasae retreat
  • reach 1000 posts on the pasae wall & have the pasae party...finally
  • celebrate monthiversaries w/ chris
  • watch the new harry potter movie!
  • learn how to swim
posted by Rita at 10:52 PM - 0 comments
Friday, June 22, 2007
passions: gwen is back
at least the theresa-ethan-gwen storyline is back. passions is worth watching again.
posted by Rita at 2:25 PM - 1 comments
Thursday, June 21, 2007
"so you think you can dance" week 2 faves

Dominic & Sabra - Contemporary
so beautiful.

Kameron & Lacey - Broadway
I love how Mia says, "Ew. Shut up!" hahahaha....

posted by Rita at 12:16 AM - 0 comments
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
what's in a name
  1. Although the name Rita creates the urge to be creative and original, we point out that is causes frustration through a scattered and emotional nature.
  2. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the liver, bloodstream, and in tension or accidents to the head.
  3. Your first name of Rita has made you a friendly, approachable, and generous person.
  4. Generally you are good-natured, though at times you can be blunt and sarcastic.
  5. As you are naturally talkative, you find it easy to meet and make friends with many people.
  6. This name inclines you to be sympathetic and generous to those in difficult or unfortunate circumstances.
  7. You can be firm, positive, and independent in your own ideas and in reaching your own decisions, yet when it comes to taking action or following things through to completion, you often need encouragement.
  8. You respond quickly to kind words or any appreciation shown you.
  9. There are artistic, creative abilities in this name that you could express through music or singing, or, in a practical way, through sewing or interior decorating


  1. Although the name Jo creates the urge to be reliable and responsible, we emphasize that it limits self-expression and friendly congeniality with a moody disposition.
  2. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the heart, lungs, bronchial area, worry, and mental tension.
  3. Your first name of Jo has given you a rather quiet, reserved, serious, studious nature.
  4. You have sensitivity and appreciation for the finer and deeper things of life, the beauties of nature, music, art, and literature.
  5. The people who mean the most to you are those who can offer you intellectual companionship.
  6. It is only when you are among those who understand your deeper nature that you can really be yourself.
  7. The experience of having your remarks taken lightly or belittled, particularly during the early years of your life, has caused you to keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself.
  8. You do not express yourself spontaneously when conversing with others; hence other people may often regard you as being aloof, and even unfriendly.


  1. Although the name Rose creates the urge to understand others, we point out that it causes you to be emotional and temperamental.
  2. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the fluid systems, liver and the bloodstream.
  3. Your first name of Rose has given you a quick-minded, sensitive nature.
  4. It gives you a clever, creative ability in art, music, singing, or drama and an appreciation for refined surroundings.
  5. Your sociable nature expresses affection, kindness, and thoughtfulness to the extent that it is difficult for you not to be affected by others and governed by your emotions, rather than by logic and reason.
  6. As you respond to love and encouragement from others, your romantic and dreamy nature can easily lead you into love affairs.
posted by Rita at 5:00 PM - 0 comments
and speaking of blogging meltdowns...
where the hell did my xanga go? server must be down... hope it's not a permanent thing. otherwise, my online day has seriously gone to shit.
posted by Rita at 1:33 PM - 0 comments
a little part of me just died is gone.
my first blog.

started in the summer of '02 and continued through february '03.

it crapped out on me when blogger went through it's first changes in february '03, so i couldn't post on it... and this is why i got a new blog (this one). but at least i was still able to view my old one.

i'm pissed. it wasn't supposed to go away. it was supposed to last. for posterity, right?

gah. this is frustrating. i guess it just goes to show you that you can't always rely on the internet to be there for you. but i doesn't mean i'm gonna go back to handwritten journals. that never worked for me.

whatev. time to just deal.

i guess it just means a lot to me because it was my first. it was the tool that i developed webdesign and photoshop skills with. back in the day, blogspot had some fugly (in my opinion) background templates and i wanted to be different. i wanted my blog to reflect me and what i was feeling and what i was doing. so every month i'd fashion a new layout and revamp it. it was fun, and i had time to do it.

and you can't replace the memories. and unfortunately, i'm becoming more and more forgetful. i should've printed them out or something... too late for that now.

where is this going?

oh, yeah... a little part of me just died.

but life goes on with or without it. so here's to another day. another post. cheers.
posted by Rita at 12:13 PM - 0 comments
About Me

Name: Rita Jo Rose Cruz Encarnacion

Home: Concord, CA

See my profile...

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