DMD (dirty moment of the day): mark unbuttons his pants and says, "let's get down to business"
not so dirty explanation: sooooo... today at dinner, i couldn't finish my pad thai and mark, well, he has this thing about people wasting food or not finishing food, so he and vaughn decided to clean my plate. i know i know... but man, i was FULL! and sooo... seeing the task ahead of them. mark unbuttons his pants and says, "let's get down to business"
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAHAHAHAHA! oh man... i just buried my face in camille's shoulder! AH! SO FUNNY!
ok. so that was my "dirty" moment of the day... and now onto more serious things
it's lent.
what to give up? what do i want to change about myself? answers to all this and more in a few hours... it's about 1 am. i think it's time i sleep, yeah? |
I AM SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORE!!! becky and melissa kicked my butt in jazz the other day... then leo and gerald did more in hiphop. ahhhhhhhhhh! but it was soooo much fun at the same time! yay! dancing makes me happy...
hehe.. tanya (aka ultimate ate... luv you!) sent me an eprop. she thought my banner said "dirty thoughts" hehe!! no no... it says "daily thoughts di gi tal ized" don't know why i decided to break that down... but it looks kinda neato, doesn't it? maybe? whatever... now i can't wait till next month when i revamp my good 'ol xanga again... hehe... maybe it will say "dirty" next time?!?! huh hmmmmm.... tee- hee
and in other news:
what rhymes w/ cow & starts with M?
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... << that was me at the beginning...
ohhhhhhhhhhh... << that was me in the middle...
hahahahahaha... << that was me at the end!
have a very nice day! *muah* |
man... life is sooooooooooo good! update still to come!
redid my xanga too...
YAY FOR EVERYTHING! (...except maybe midterms)
grabbed this off tanya's blog! love you "ultimate ate"...
Current Mood: content Current clothes: pants, shirt, sweatshirt, flip-flops Current annoyance: roommate's sleeping (or non-sleeping) patterns Current smell: toothpaste Current thing I ought to be doing: homework Current windows open: xanga! Current desktop picture: a tropical sunset (comparable to my beauty last valentine's day! ) Current favorite band/artist: always & forever, Janet (Miss Jackson, if you're nasty) Current book: restarting The Sun Also Rises Current cd in stereo: Andre 3000-The Love Below Current crush: oy... seeeeeeeeeee-cret. Current favorite celeb: Orlando Bloom!  Current hate: the 15 or so pounds that have attached themselves to my once girly figure
= Do I = Smoke?: NO.. Do drugs?: that's a HELL NO. Have sex?: nope! Give oral sex?: AH! Have a dream that keeps coming back?: yup. weird ones. Remember your first love?: sure do... Still love him/her?: ? Read the newspaper?: daily cal! yeah... sex on tuesday! Believe in miracles?: Yes. Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: of course. Consider yourself tolerant of others?: Yeah. Consider love a mistake?: No way man. Like the taste of alcohol?: not sure. st. agnes parish wine is aight. Have a favorite candy?: TWIX! Believe in astrology?: kinda Believe in magic?: not really. Believe in God?: Yes. Have any pets: nope Go to or plan to go to college: hahahaha... of course! i'm here, aren't i? Have any piercings?: ears Have any tattoos?: Thinking about it Hate yourself: No.. Have an obsession?: Yes. Have a secret crush?: hahaha... we've already been over this! Do they know yet?: nonononononononononononono Have a best friend?: yep! can i have 2? Care about looks?: more so hygiene!
=Love life= First crush: easy. tony binswanger in kindergarten! *sigh* First kiss: peter Single or attached?: single and lovin' it... to an extent. Ever been in love?: yeah Do you believe in love at first sight?: i like the notion. Do you believe in "the one?": yeah... i'm an idealist. Describe your ideal significant other: lemme dedicate a whole entry to this one later.
=Juicy stuff= Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: "no one in their right minds would want me to do that. LOL" - tanya... ditto. Have you ever been intoxicated?: no Favorite place to be kissed?: i like them all equally! tee-hee  Are you a tease?: I've been told that I have been.. but I don't like to think so. Shy to make the first move?: haha YES!
=Word association= Rubber: ducky Green: frances! Wet: rain Peanut: butter Hay: Ya (like the song. hey sounds the same as hay) Cold: achoo! Steamy: me and you. hahahahahahahhahahahaha... jk! Fast: food Freaky: friday!
--APPEARANCE:-- Hair: black, layered, reaches the middle of my back Eyes: brown Height: 5'5.5"
--LAST THING YOU:-- Bought: white cheddar popcorn for contemp Ate: dinner w/ the 1st years! Drank: minute maid orange soda Read: hahaha...duh. my emails! Watched on tv: ummmm................ some comedy on TFC last night @ home in concord
--EITHER / OR:-- club or houseparty: housparty, yeah ! beer or cider: ohh.. yeah cider, man. drinks or shots: shots cats or dogs: cats are smart, but dog's are man's best friend... it's a toss-up. single or taken: single pen or pencil: pen gloves or mittens: gloves food or candy: food cassette or cd: cd coke or pepsi: coke this or that: this
--WHO DO YOU WANT TO:-- kill: *murmers under my breath* get really wasted with: LAUREN & BECKY! hehehe... look like: um, me be like: awww... another totally different entry later on someday avoid: a lot of people. haha.
--LAST PERSON YOU-- talked to: vaughn. yes, us girls are waaaay to smart for you boys hugged: Jaelyn instant messaged: vaughn kissed: ?? (really. i don't know. that's not some mysterious.. "ooo... i'm not gonna tell you cuz i have things to hide" sort of thing)
--WHERE DO YOU-- eat: my dorm or in the DC wish you were: hmmm... i'm cool w/ right here. but if only i had the "right" company. 
--HAVE YOU EVER...-- Dated one of your best friends?: yes Loved somebody so much it makes you cry?: uh huh... Drank alcohol?: SIGH. yes, damnit. every saturday or sunday. but i swear it's just for like maybe 2 or 3 or maybe 5 seconds max, ok... i'm a horrible person. i know. but can i claim religions as an excuse? i think i will! hehehe... duh, people: church! Done drugs?: no. Broken the law?: yeah, if you count speeding... shhhhh... Broken a bone?: no.. just sprained. Played Truth Or Dare?: yeah Kissed someone you didn't know?: never! Been in a fight?: yeah.. just with my sisters and stuff. Come close to dying?: i went under the knife once.. got cut into right by my heart. but it was safe.
--WHAT IS:-- The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: spice world. Your bedroom like?: clean. cozy. clean. Your favorite thing for breakfast? mmmm waffles. Your favorite restaurant?: New Lim's...
--RANDOM QUESTIONS-- What's on your bedside table?: a bunch of flowers in a vase, a lamp, pictures, religious statues, random trinkets What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: um, i don't. What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?: Sixteen Candles If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?: Lipo What is your biggest fear?: being a poor, unloved, uneducated bum the rest of my life What feature are you most insecure about?: my legs, stomach, my face Do you ever have to beg?: sometimes. Do you have too many love interests?: again, sometimes. but not right now. Crushes?: AGAIN!! enough w/ the crush questions.... Do you know anyone famous?: i met ruffa gutierrez in Las Vegas once Describe your bed: thick ass comforter... kinda rigid. it's a dorm mattress... what do you expect. but at home.... mmmmmmmmmm.... it's so big! i can just sprawl out. yay! Spontaneous or plain?: i'm kinda plain. but i have weird spurts of spontaneity. hehe! love those fly by the seat of their pants kind of guys too... *sigh* Do you know how to play poker?: yeah! woo hoo! What do you carry with you at all times? my dignity! amen, sista... How do you drive?: defensively! it's the only way to drive. What do you miss most about being little?: life seemed oh so simple then... being silly and playing stupid games with kids. Are you happy with your given name?: yes. i'm quite happy w/ all 5 parts How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: one billion dollars What color is your bedroom?: white, brown, black, cream What was the last song you were listening to?: "The Look" - Ryan Tedder... it's soooooooooooo good! yay for acoustics Do you talk a lot?: depends on who i'm around i guess. Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: i have my moments of uncertainty like anyone else... and yes, i believe in myself. i know the potential to achieve whatever i want is there... it's just tough to tap into it sometimes, ya? Do you think you're cute?: nah Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? no.. if anything the ones with clever signs amuse me. Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: yeah Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends? my friends i guess 'cuz i'm single. but when i did have a bf... i think i balanced it out pretty well.. some awkward moments not knowing what to do or who to be with but we're all buds... so it's all good. thank goodness for that. |
yay! new layout... update to come!
*sneak peak* VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA VAGINA! hahahaha... you just had to be there. |
ok... this one might be kinda repetitive... but i'm taking it straight from the xanga...
it was like the scene from love actually w/ "that's what friends are for" in the background... i'm so lucky to have buds like you! so considerate and sweet and thoughtful and emotionally-aware (sometimes) and cute (yeah... we always give you guys a hard time about that... complaining and such... comparing and what have you... but ya'll are cute! we don't really give you credit for that). hahaha, why are ya'll still single?
chris, mark, and vaughn had me waiting for this surprise for like 4 days!!!! hahaha... i knew something was up, but they woul'dn't budge... I'M SO GLAD THEY DIDN'T!!! and i'm glad they could accomodate my weirdo schedule.
anyways... here are the visuals! good one, guys. soooo good....
held by vaughn...
for camille...
for diana...
for richelle...
for frances...
for chandra...
for francesca...
for ME!
and the last one... "now, will you please tell us what "good football" is?"
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!! needless to say, i cried. way to be ready for the waterworks, chris. ah, kleenex.
so, on account of this, SAD is now... single's appreciation day. cuz, damn, i hella appreciate my single friends now! jk... i mean, for so long i was hung up on the notions of having a MAN, a boyfriend, someone to fill a void, someone to.. well, you know the rest. but now, it's alllllllll good! enjoying the single life like a college student should! (ew, not like that... dirty.) but just kickin it with my friends. having huge dinners. having jam sessions. having a grand 'ol time just being in eachother's company...
this has been a great start to 2004. so different from 2003 in so many ways... yay! i'm so happy right now. i'm so excited like jessie spano! hahahaha... loved Saved By The Bell. ok... getting off topic.
but yeah... still can't get over how good the 1st year boys are to us. quite awesome. exemplary even. *snaps*
...how are ya'll gonna top this next year?!? hehe!
waiting in girly anticipation... yours always, Rita
if today is any indication of the "love" year to come... i'd say it's gonna be awesome!!
and not like that..... ok....
vaughn, mark, chris, kevin, rannel, andrew... luv them! really do! wow! that has got to be the BEST valentine i've ever received. the best valentine's day (post v-day) EVER!!!!! EEEEEEEEE!!
so much better than last year's mess.... *sigh* it's good to know where you're at. and it's good to know that you've got people there for you. that might be my extreme happiness coming through from tonight's "operation: sunday brunch" but even if that's the case, i am sooooooooo incredibly lucky to have all my 1st years. yay! GOOD FOOTBALL!!!! ....definitely a good start to the off-season!
surprises... full dinners... rolling deep... jamming in the stern main lounge... singing... laughing... stunting... playing... just chillin... 'twas a night to remember!
so... i'm changing it to SINGLE'S APPRECIATION DAY!!! still SAD. but not really sad...
...yup. "that's what friends are for." |
dearest blog,
it's been a year now. 365 days of blog memories. how appropriate that our new year's eve should be on valentine's day. it's the end of an era. and the end of a love-filled year.
so many good times we've shared. so many not-so-good times, too. publicly and privately, you know me through and through. you know me best. better than my closest friends.
interesting how some of my other friends have even built an affinity for you. they visit you daily. maybe even twice a day! how nice... they see you more than they see me. i'm kinda jealous...
acquaintances may come and go, but you are constant. (unless the whole internet were to crash) thank you for not dumping me, or ditching me, or backstabbing me, or forgetting me. you've never turned away from me. when i need you, you're right here. i can always depend on that. i thank you more now than ever.
and so dear blog, here's to another year that'll surely be full of ups and downs... i'm glad you're along for the ride.
love you,
rita |
today in class i got that flighty feeling in my heart/chest/all up in that area. you know... the one where your heart kinda skips a beat and it feels like it has jumped up into your throat and your get this sudden tingley sensation all over... but a cool, warm, fuzzy tingle.
shake it off, rita. shake it off...
what's wrong with me?
could it be... ?
no, it can't be. |
i ran into ian @ the GBC today before linguistics class. he asked if i was the one who asked all those random questions of the day last sem.. yup. that's me! isn't it wonderful how i utilized my free time last semester? getting to know my fellow berkeleyans...
now, i have no more nighttime free time. that makes me sad. that's when i do my best thinking... so let me try to squeeze in some deep reflective thinking in the afternoon after class and before dinner and the meetings and the dance practices start, eh?
1. What's the most daring thing you've ever done?
might sound cheesy, but... i truly, madly, deeply followed my heart. hey... getting into a relationship for the first time is pretty darn risky! putting your heart on the line, like that... what a rush!
2. What one thing would you like to try that your mother/friend/significant other would never approve of?
hmmmm right now...
my mother: go backpacking through europe w/ my dearest friends, get wasted, get a tattoo (i mean, body art... it sounds much nicer that way), or hahahahaha... DATE! hahahahaha...
my friend: not sure about that one... lemme know what you wouldn't approve of guys...
significant other: n/a
3. On a scale of 1-10, what's your risk factor? (1=never take risks, 10=it's a lifestyle)
4. What's the best thing that's ever happened to you as a result of being bold/risky?
i got to learn about myself in the process. you figure out how far you can take things.. how well you can manage.. the extent of your coping.. you test your limits and you thrive! what's better than reaching newer and higher heights.
5. ... and what's the worst?
taking it too far, and then falling... and it's a long way down, my friend, with little or no cushion for the fall... it's hurts you to your core.
Im sayin
He don't even know what he's doin to me
got me feelin all crazy inside
Im feelin like... OH!
Im doin nothn I've ever done
for anyones attention
take notice of whats infront of you
cause did i mention? (OH!)
you about to miss a good thing
and you'll never know how good it feels to have
all of my affection
and you'll never get a chance to experience
my lovin (OH!)
'Cause my lovin feels like...
U don't know my name
round and round and round we go (and I swear)
Will you ever know? (it feels like)
U don't know my name
round and round and round we go
Will you ever know?
Will you ever know it? No, no, no, no, no
Will you ever know it?
tell me you've never felt that... see, you can't! it's because we've all been there at one point or another. a secret longing for another person. a person you know quite well maybe. a person that doesn't even realize what's right there in front of them even. *sigh* what a pain! but what a great pain it is...
mmm... countdown to valentine's day: 6 days...
isn't love grand?
what i wouldn't give to be "in love" again... but somehow, i'll manage. looks like it'll be another single's awareness day for me.
so correction >> countdown to single's awareness day: 6 days...
now more than ever i think i wanna go to the philippines...
any of you guys wanna accompany me?? (by guys, i mean, those of the male species...)
hehe. just kidding... filipinos are a crazy people! i love it! |
from steph's xanga... Don't walk too close, don't breathe so soft Don't talk so sweet, don't sing Don't lay oh so near Please, don't let me fall in love with you again Please let me forget all those sweet smiles All of the passion, all of the peace, the heat, the pain All those blue skies where your words were my freedom Please, don't let me fall in love with you again Too many times I've cared too much I stood on the edge and saw that you held my hand And knowing too well I couldn't hide from those eyes Please, don't let me fall in love with you again Don't let me fall in love with you again
- "Don't"- Jewel
let me explain...
had a weird dream last night. it consisted of my berkeley buds and my high school chums. we were all chillin on the chs lawn and then we were kickin it in stern. ok, maybe i don't want to get into all of it, but i'm seeing things reoccuring in my dreams in both settings (maybe it's just that time of year again or time of the month... whatever)
my dreams are kinda... "prophetic"-ish... this isn't heresy or anything, but they have an odd way of becoming realities... or at least parts of them do. i'm not sure what to think or what to believe, if anything at all.
maybe i'll try not to think about it anymore...
:: doot :: do :: do ::
how bout those UC bugdet cuts? man! that's something to get angry over... the governator is in the process of terminating the kick-butt UC system we've got going on over here! BERKELEY pride.. woo!! woo!!
why is it that education keeps getting the shaft? why is it that they always forget about us youngins?? ya know... we're the people who are gonna keep this nation going once ya'll adults step down... hmmmm... what kind of future are you envisioning, dear leaders? oh right... you're not! you're not planning for the future! you think you are... but you really have no idea... what you're really doing is trying to solve the "now" issues... but in doing so, you're taking so much away from things that need to be constant or things that need to grow and need help! you're making our low-ranked state-wide education system even worse... it might not seem that bad if you look at it in the immediate future... but i mean, once you start taking away from it, what's gonna stop you from doing it again? huh? it's a slippery slope, people... so don't take that first step... cuz it's gonna be a long way down... and it's gonna hurt. a lot... it's gonna hurt more people than you realize!
governator made a bad move w/ the cuts in education...
::shakes head in disappointment::
...but there's still time. the budget hasn't been passed. contact your legislators... let them know what you think. be "empowered"... it's the only way to go. |
man. i'm feelin' damn sexy right now.
i'm not exactly sure why i've decided to place that statement in here... but hey, it's my blog and i can do what i want with it. hehe!! *smooches*
it has been a GREAT few days!! i'm absolutely loving how this semester is starting and where it's headed!
i talked to becky tonight. she asked me about my sudden change of outlook on life.
let's just say that more good things are happening more of the time! yay! it's alllllllllllll G!
last week re-cap:
mon 1/26: hmmmm... it was josh's birthday. i got the stupid MyDoom Virus. booo... put my name in the running for hall ass pres!
tues. 1/27: had a fun liguistics discussion. ASUC mtg. caught up on all the budget cuts our dear governator intends to ruin our lives with. had dinner w/ anil. taked about possibly running for senate. hall ass mtg again...
weds. 1/28: LONG SCHOOL DAY! ASUC CO mtg. "ugz. they look like they sound. .....ugz....." ahahah! that's one for pras' cell phone recorder thingy! went to the PASS mtg! "PILIPINOS MEET WONDERFUL STANDARDS, 'CUZ, OH!, WE CAN MAKE IT BIG! PASS!" hehe... played some ice-breakers. did a critical thinking/reflection activity in groups. woo hoo! luvin the pilipino community..
thurs. 1/29: lauren's birthday (see personal tribute a few entries below!) effecient physics lab. lunch w/ phil >> off the market now. good luck w/ that man! ASUC stuff. physics problem sets caused major frustration. dinner w/ josh @ foothill. HAHA! I WIN! FOREVER! went to the PAA mtg... we are rebels WITH a cause, woo woo! got a nifty lil tote bag for sitting in the right seat and reading about Manong Flores. cool dude! i wanna meet him and play a game or two of chess with the guy. fieldtrip to frisco, anyone? got "empowered"... hehe. yup. i'm definitely gonna be "head" something someday. yeah.......... lol. (tangent: from va-ye-jo to miche-ye to riche-ye to wa-yi to ey-en.... hahahaha. good times linguistically!) met up w/ the other 1st years & unit 2. went to CKC to see the haunted dorm. (not that scary guys... really). hit up Pi Lam. sober crew! yes yes... man it was hot. too hot at times. thank goodness for air vents. (important lesson learned: DO NOT LEAN ON WALLS! ...think about it....) used the "malixi" escort service again back to stern. thanks guys.
fri 1/30: regular day of school. 10 to 4. had dinner w/ vaughn, leo, kevin, and mark. chilled at leo's for bit. watched Culture Shock San Diego! wowowowowowowoowowowowowoow!!! insipiring! captivating! hella smooth! SHITE! listened to potential PCN music. went with vaughn to Wheeler to see "lost in translation" w/ kevin and mark and chris. it was sold out.... so... PARTY IN STERN! hahaha.. no. listened to music. downloaded some Rex! and some chris rock "no sex in the champagne room"... haha! gemini, you gon' die.... TWICE! looked through pics. pretty much rested after the long uphill-downhill-uphill walk to northside. (oh yeah, my dumg girl comment said around boys for the day: "Hello?? I'm not wearing the right support for this!" said while catching a breath between the RSF and wheeler hall) visited Rannel in Bowles... go addicted to TextTwist! GINKGO! K before G!!! (words to remember: emu(s), sari, sis, ins... there are more, but i don't remember anymore... lol) played another round in foothill @ frances'.
the weekend: Danceworx tryouts went REALLY WELL! i got 2 call backs! yippee! chilled at home. did hw. got a haircut, yo! 3-3.5 inches off! betcha didn't even notice, huh? huh! huh! huh! it's ok. i didn't do it for you anyway! hehehehehe... joke lang. i luv u! got back to berkeley for my RA's surprise birthday partay! yay, Judi's 21! luv my RA! she's the best! went to newman... long long homily but it was very good. it got me thinking about a lot of things. started getting me the reevaluate what i want in this world. and what i want more of than others. priorities, man, priorities. it's like this... "if i have everything in this world, but do not have love, i have nothing." it's that simple.
mon 2/2: long school day. events from yesterday are kinda fuzzy for some reason. hmmm... danceworx general mtg went well. walked back up w/ chris abad. yay! more OPers dancing this sem! and oh yeah!! HAPPY 19th BIRTHDAY, CHRISTINA!!!!
tues 2/3: the day's not over yet.... and so, i'll leave this one for another time! gnite folks!
and in other news....
The Sonnet Deliberate Gentle Love Dreamer (DGLDf)
Romantic, hopeful, and composed. You are the Sonnet. Get it? Composed?
Sonnets want Love and have high ideals about it. They're conscientious people, caring & careful. You yourself have deep convictions, and you devote a lot of thought to romance and what it should be. This will frighten away most potential mates, but that's okay, because you're very choosy with your affections anyway. You'd absolutely refuse to date someone dumber than you, for instance.
Lovers who share your idealized perspective, or who are at least willing to totally throw themselves into a relationship, will be very, very happy with you. And you with them. You're already selfless and compassionate, and with the right partner, there's no doubt you can be sensual, even adventurously so.
You probably have lots of female friends, and they have a special soft spot for you. Babies do, too, at the tippy-top of their baby skulls.
ALWAYS AVOID: The 5-Night Stand, The False Messiah, The Hornivore, The Last Man on Earth
CONSIDER: The Loverboy | | |